Our mission in short: protection and integration. Our second mission is to help with integration. We support integration for people in difficulty. We help them find permanent accommodation. We help them access training, jobs and healthcare. As an organisation, our ultimate aim is to empower everybody to take charge of their own lives as fully-fledged citizens.
Gaining access to training and jobs is a giant step towards integration, or reintegration. For many vulnerable people, it is also a question of dignity. It is an opportunity to learn new skills and relearn social norms belied by their previous experiences.
To meet these needs, we have developed “made-to-measure” initiatives. ALC empowers people by giving them small projects to work on, or a position at the charity shop Inser.Pro. These jobs are part of French workshop schemes to help adapt to working life (AAVA) available to people housed in accommodation and social reintegration centres (CHRS). The two organisations affiliated with ALC, PEPS and Emplois et Services 06, strive towards integration via economic activity, an ESS (Social Solidarity Economy Sector) sphere of action. They make the following available to people seeking professional reintegration:
Citizenship is a part of our non-profit company project (PEA), our long-term strategy. It is in a sense, the ultimate aim of our project. Being a French citizen is a status, involving rights and duties. For those who do not have French nationality, duties differ somewhat. Our day-to-day action targeting vulnerable people includes informing them of their rights and duties, as well as providing access to social rights. However citizenship is also a way of life, underpinned by a sense of belonging and commitment to civil society. Our workers strive to empower all those they support towards citizenship. They especially support the reintegration of ex-convicts.
Precarious living gradually alienates whole swathes of the French population from the rest of society. Access to accommodation is a priority to help them reintegrate. While we strive to provide emergency accommodation and shelter, the long-term goal of ALC workers is to empower people to find permanent accommodation. We have tailored our initiatives providing social support in connection with accommodation (ASLL), as well as specific initiatives to provide accommodation for young adults in difficulty in Alpes-Maritimes, or the refugee platform for refugees seeking permanent accommodation. In addition to these specific schemes, ALC strives daily toward integration via accommodation. It is a key theme, as are employment, training and citizenship.
Many grappling with deteriorating living conditions may neglect their healthcare. ALC hopes to help make health a common asset, available to all. We empower the people we support to exercise their right to healthcare, supporting in their healthcare journey and preventing risky behaviour. We regularly recruit healthcare professionals including nurses, psychologists and health mediators. We call on a team of psychologists from various services. We support people in collaboration with healthcare stakeholders in Alpes-Maritimes. We recently set up a scheme called “Ricochets”, that provides psychiatric support for migrants.