Ensemble, rénovons la #VillaVictoria
Centre d'hébergement pour les femmes et enfants victimes de violences ღ

European action

For over 20 years, ALC has been operating beyond our borders, in Europe and elsewhere. We participate in several European projects especially involving human trafficking, and more recently, unaccompanied minors.

European projects

#ATtrACT+ Transnational cooperation and new technologies to train social workers on trafficking in human beings

Funding Programme


Coordinator: ALC


CY.R.C Cyprus refugee council (Cyprus)
HFC Hope For Children (Cyprus)
Associazione On The Road (Italy)
CISS Cooperazione Internazionale SUD SUD (Italy)
Cooperativa Sociale Proxima (Italy)
Dedalus Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
Mujeres in Zona de Conflicto (Spain)

Goal: to promote, develop and strengthen the knowledge and competencies of social workers in the identification, support and protection of victims of human trafficking through the implementation of innovative tools and methods of training based on a transnational, participatory and open approach involving the four participating countries, namely Cyprus, Spain, France and Italy.

Find out more about #ATtrACT+ publications

The Comic against THB

The travelogue

The mobile application

Project IMPACT – IMprovement and extension of good Practices of Alternative Care and proTection: evolving existing alternative care initiatives for UAC in Sweden, France, Italy, the Netherlands and beyond

Funding Programme


Coordinator: NIDOS, the national guardianship institution for unaccompanied and separated children in the Netherlands


ALC (France)

Save the children Italy

Save the children Sweden


  • Expand and improve family based care systems for UAC in IT, more specifically Bari and Ancona,
  • Improve alternative care (SIL and access to trauma care) for UAC in Alpes-Maritimes, FR,
  • Improve family based care in network families for UAC in SW by better adapting it to their needs,
  • Improve family based care for UAC in NL by evaluating existing practise in order to further adapt the system to the needs of the children who are in it,
  • Further develop and implement ALFACA in countries of project partners and beyond,
  • Implement the outcomes of the FAB project in countries of project partners and beyond.

Schedule: 2021-2022 (2 years)

Budget: 598,874.72 euros


Fiche d'information récap sur le projet IMPACT (factsheet)


Programme de formation, travailler avec les MNA


Ppt formation, travailler avec les MNA


Manuel formation, travailler avec les MNA


Programme de formation, travailler avec les familles


Ppt de formation, travailler avec les familles


Manuel de formation, travailler avec les familles


Infographic Factsheet IMPACT


Training script, working with UAC


Training manual - working with UAC


Training ppt - working with UAC


Training script, working with families


Training manual - working with families


Training ppt - working with families